Prestools Customizations

Edit your Prestashop or Thirty Bees Customizations quickly with this mass edit software.

This is a plugin for Prestools Suite, the free tool suite for mass editing and more for Prestashop and Thirty Bees.

48,40 € Tax included

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This is a plugin for Prestools Suite, the free mass editing script for Prestashop 1.5 and higher and Thirty Bees. You can try out mass customization editing in the free version - where only saving has been disabled. After installing this product you will be able to save your changes to customizations in Prestools Suite.

If you have selected the customizations (also called CustFlds) field in the search block you will get a result like below - where there are three languages and a product has two customizations:



If you make the customizations field editable in the Hide-Show-Edit area you get some like this:

As you see there is for each language a name. In the editable form the codes for the language are added so that there will be no confusion. For the rest you can choose the type of the customization (uploadfile or textfield) and specify whether it is a required field. At the end of each customization row you find a button with which you can delete this customization. Under the list of customizations you find a link to add more customizations to this product.

Note that in a multishop configuration the name texts are shop specific.

Mass Update offers you the opportunity to add a customizations to all the products on a page.

You can also delete a customizations for all the products on a page. In that case you need to specify the name of the customization in the active language in Prestools.

Finally there is the option to change customizations for all the products on a page. In that case the name matching is similar as when you delete.

When you are finished you use either Submit All or the line submit to apply your changes.

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